Monday, June 15, 2009


I grew up in the 60s. I threw a flower power party. We dressed in long gear and tied scarves around out heads. Peace was the word for the season.

What a long way the world has come since that time. Overcome and empowered by the synthetic world of cyberspace, there is no peace. My home is invaded electronically by sales pitches, bad news, messages from people I don't remember, and the unnecessary urgency of having to reply.

Whatever happened to the old saying,
"What is this life, if full of care we have no time to stand and stare?"

Here is quiet and meditation in the mind of a small boy.
What wondrous thoughts are cooking in his head.
Once I told him a great story about a bear who got lost and then his mum found him.
I asked him did he think it was a good story. He gazed thus out the window and absent mindedly replied, "Yes".
As I looked at his face in repose I imagined he was thinking some deep thoughts, so I asked, "What are you thinking?"
In his "grown man" style he answered me, "Nothing".
Now that is peace.

There have been men of peace throughout the history of mankind. There have been wars to force peace, and peace that made wars.
One of the deepest desires of man is to have peace, yet we do not give it to one another. We badger and nark.

One came that we might have peace and in Him alone we can find peace of heart. Do you know Him? He said in John's story of his life, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Monday, June 8, 2009

Light Life

Have you seen a rainforest? Have you walked in the shade, almost darkness and come upon the miracle of "raining" light? If you look closely where it falls all kinds of plant and animal life thrive. This is the life giving warmth and stimulus that stirs growth.

Where have I heard of Light and life together? I see it in nature, in forests and in waters. I read of it in the Book of Life. Right at the beginning "There was light." Out of that great burst of light, life came into being by the Word. Then the One, Jesus , came calling himself the Light of the World. In him is life. Do you know the truth of this can be seen and believed in the evidence of creation? Look back at this Rainforest Light and consider the miracle work of creation.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Voice and Tongue of Passion

Vox Point is a magazine I have just read. It upholds family values in a decidedly confused and deceived society.
Government is challenged in its blind
search to appease the forces of falsely
concealed agendas, purporting to be for the benefit of society, but actually being of benefit to a minority of loudly spoken activists.

I am challenged that if I have a tongue in my head and a word in my mind that is true, then I must voice it wherever I can. I need to verbally stand for the protection of the innocent.

I look at my grand daughters and can see the fun in their eyes and the innocent certainty that all is well in their world.
Yet there are people who are robbing our children of this security of innocence. In the name of freedom of speech, or knowledge, or entertainment, the air waves of TV and computer based media, are loaded with images, words, sounds, geared to deafen the ear to the voice of reason, goodness and truth.
Who will stand for truth? Who will stand for the protection of the
innocent? Parents rise up. Grandparents rise up. Put filters on your
computers. Keep your computer in a visible place. Supervise their friendships
and play. Protect them from predators. Stand against laws that liberate and exalt evil.
I read this in the Bible's book of James. ..the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. The tongue is also a fire, a world of evil......
The tongue gives shape and words to the voice. The tongue is the instrument of the mouth, which speaks out of the heart. So where does that leave me, us?
But my tongue is discipled to Living Truth. It is truly a fire, but not for evil. I have put my tongue to action, used my voice today to cry out that all who are part of the Truth, the Eternal Truth, should use their tongues as a great fire for good. Voice your knowledge and understanding wherever it can be heard.